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Configuring and building Willow for the ESP BOX hardware family is a multi-step process that is required if you want to do Willow development. We've provided a helper script to make things easier.

Build Willow

Install System Dependencies

We use tio as a serial monitor so you will need to install that.

sudo apt-get install tio
yay -S tio
brew install tio

Clone Willow Repo

git clone && cd willow

Build Willow Development Docker Container

We use Docker (also supports Podman) for the build container. To build the container with Docker:

./ build-docker

Start Willow Development Docker Container

Once the container has finished building you will need to enter it for all following commands:

./ docker

Install Build Environment

Once inside the container install the environment:

./ install

Start Configuration

Start the Willow configuration process:

./ config


You will need to build specifically for the ESP BOX-3. From the main menu, select:

Audio HAL ---> Audio Board ---> ESP32-S3-BOX-3


You will need to build specifically for the ESP BOX LITE. From the main menu, select:

Audio HAL ---> Audio Board ---> ESP32-S3-BOX-Lite

Return to main menu and continue.

Willow Configuration

Navigate to Willow Configuration to enter your Wi-Fi SSID and password (supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi with WPA/WPA2/WPA3 authentication), and your Willow Application Server URL.

Once you've provided these press Q and save when prompted.

Build and Exit Container

./ build

When the build completes successfully you can exit the container.

Flash Willow to Your Device

It's getting real now - plug the ESP BOX in!

Set Serial Port

Back on the host docker:

To do anything involving the serial port you will need to set the PORT environment variable for all further invocations of

With recent versions of tio you can use tio -L to list available ports. On Linux you can check dmesg and look for the path of the recently connected ESP BOX (furthest at the bottom, hopefully). On Linux it's usually /dev/ACM* and on Mac it's /dev/cu.usbmodem*.


export PORT=/dev/ttyACM0
export PORT=/dev/cu.usbmodem2101


For out of the box/factory new ESP BOX hardware you will need to (one time) erase the factory flash before flashing Willow:

./ erase-flash

Once you have done that you can flash

./ flash

It should flash and connect you to the serial monitor.

If you're encountering flashing issues due to USB passthrough use willow-dist.bin and flash it from a another computer

Flash from Another Device

If you want to quickly and easily flash multiple devices or distribute a combined firmware image you can use the dist arguments to

./ dist - builds the combined flash image (willow-dist.bin)

./ flash-dist - flashes the combined flash image

This combined firmware image can be used with any ESP flashing tool.

Advanced Options will attempt to load environment variables from .env. You can define your PORT here to avoid needing to define it over and over.

The ESP-IDF, ESP-ADF, ESP-SR, LVGL, etc. libraries have a plethora of configuration options. DO NOT change anything outside of Willow Configuration (other than wake word) unless you know what you are doing.

Exit Serial monitor

To exit tio you need to press Ctrl+T and then Q. Or you can unplug your device and tio will wait until you reconnect it.

Start Serial monitor

If you want to see what your device is up to you can start the serial monitor anytime:

./ monitor

Things Went Sideways - Reset!

In the event your environment gets out of whack we have a helper to reset:

./ destroy

As the plentiful messages indicate it's a destructive process but it will reset your environment. After it completes you can start from the top and try again.


Recover from a bad flash or persistent flash failures.

In some hardware combinations the ESP BOX can be stubborn and won't successfully flash.

In these cases, press the BOOT/CONFIG button (top button on the left side) while powering up the device, then:

Erase the flash:

./ erase-flash


Depending on how tight of a boot loop your device is in, you may need to run erase-flash multiple times to get the timing right. It will eventually "catch" and successfully erase the flash.

When it reports successful erase you can flash again with:

./ flash